Thursday, July 31, 2014

Facebook PDA

I was going to talk about Karma, but I think that's a post that will be better suited for tomorrow.

I just read through some of my Facebook posts on my wall. I skim through most videos unless they are something inspiring because I would rather not see bodies burned up or mothers disciplining their children or worse exploitations of children or violence towards animals while I'm enjoying my frosted flakes in the morning.

But that's just me.

I take in my friends requests for prayers or thoughts or good wishes on tests, job interviews, etc. I try to remember the birthdays so I can add my birthday wishes to the others. Sometimes I chime in and put in my 25 cents in discussions. I add my opinion when I think it matters or if I have something of value to share.

And then there are the love posts. Oh how they irritate some of you. Oh, I get it. When I was single there was nothing that irritated me more than a good love post. I'm being honest. I don't wanna know how you and your bae are doing because I have no bae. I had been lied to, cheated on, had my heart broken into tiny pieces -- During one particularly bad breakup my family took me to Westside Story. When Tony died, I clapped. That's what he got for falling in love. That bakery scene in Moonstruck? That was me. Johnny, not Loretta.

So of course now that I'm experiencing dating bliss, I wanna talk endlessly about her. Post pictures and quote sonnets by Shakespeare. And I know I'm over the top. And I know I'm mushy and probably make people throw up a little bit in their mouths.

But I'm 47 years old. Do you know how long I've waited to find someone who I can tolerate longer than a month? Someone who loves me and wants to spend time with me? Someone who is perfect for me in all her (get ready to gag) perfect imperfections?

A fricken long ass time, that's how long.

And now that I've found it I feel like screaming from the rooftops. And I will. Thank you.

We also live miles apart. Miles. Not a block some of you are complaining about on here. I don't have the luxury of kissing her Good Morning. I don't have the luxury of sending little love notes in her lunch before she heads off to work, or of putting a note on her dashboard, or surprising her at her job. I don't see her. So I'm going to blow kisses all over her virtual face on line. Post hearts in comments and probably do it even more now. No, I probably won't. I just said that out of spite and being stubborn.

If it nauseates you, if you can't stand it and think it's too much Facebook PDA for your tastes, feel free to unfriend, unsubscribe, unfollow or simply avoid my posts.

That's what I've been doing with the endless whining about how there are no good studs (or femmes), how the world is going to hell in a hand basket and there's nothing we can do about it, how Obama is comparable to Hitler and should be impeached (even though the whole process would take longer than the man has left in office -- but that's another blog), how ugly or fat or disgusting this person is at Walmart or on the beach posts some of you all are posting these days.

Seriously, people. There are worse things you could be reading on your feed other than someone's love fest. Even if you've watched the person breakup and get back together fifty times in the last week -- love isn't the worst thing to have on our facebook pages. Even misguided, young, or naive love.

Is it? 


Love you.

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