Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Define Stud (Labels 101)

STUD: A woman who adopts what would be considered masculine characteristics.
Alternate definition: A (traditionally) masculine man or woman, and especially a masculine lesbian. Often the “dominant” partner in a lesbian relationship, and especially of a butch/femme lesbian relationship.

Dressing in a masculine way does not make a woman into a lesbian, contrary to popular belief; it’s usually more convenient. Acting in a masculine way only means that’s the gender role that the person identifies with; it has nothing to do with their sexual life. A highly masculine man could be gay for all we know and a very feminine man could be straight for all we know, and both of these cases are frequent.
STUD: A dominant lesbian, usually butch. This is usually the type of dyke that has gender identity disorder (she thinks and wants to be a man). She takes on the very dominant role in relationships, the male role to be exact. She dresses like a man and acts like a man. There is nothing feminine about her. She is sometimes more of a man than some men. In bed she will only want to make love to her women with a strap on. She will not want women to touch her breast, or her vagina, go down on her or provide her with any type of pleasure. She wants to do all the pleasuring. She does not want women to touch her breast etc, because it reminds her that she is a woman.
STUD: A lesbian who takes a more dominant role in the relationship but can be attracted to femmes or other studs.
I like that studs swagger. Its masculine yet feminine at the same time.
 STUD: someone/something who is paid to get laid.

I could go on and on, but here are a few definitions of studs I've found online.  After reading these descriptions, I can't help but want to apologize to all the women who have asked the question "What is a stud" on Lesbian Love and Advice, and received "Google is your friend" as a response.

Google is clearly NOT your friend.

I'm attracted to masculine identified women. But I'm attracted to women. I don't need a woman to be a man in order for me to feel comfortable hanging around her. And yes, I say all of that for a reason because in my opinion, there are plenty of women who do. Plenty of women dating the most masculined identified and looking woman they can in order to "pass" or have their make believe white picket fence dream.

*deep breath*

For all the questions that I've read about studs "wanting" to be men, I have to say, there are tons of us (femmes) who are insisting that studs become men like creatures with barely a vagina. I've met several femmes who do this. All people need to do is listen to the messages that some women give others to know where the problem is coming from, and I'll go out on a limb to say that it's not the stud that wants to be the man as much as it's the femme on the studs arm that wants that.

What the f*** do we sound like, femmes, saying shit like "my stud better not ever want to be penetrated..." as if that means they are less a stud in our eyes. As if the feeling of pleasure somehow disappears when a woman declares herself a stud. As if the clitoris suddenly turns into a penis and can only get pleasure from being stroked rather than rubbed or something.

Yeah, I'm sure there are some studs who wanna go hard and hate being a woman and blah blah blah. I can't speak on that. But I can speak from the femme point of view. I was naive and young once, too. And I'm a "baby lesbian" -- I've only been out and about a few years. More on that later. I know it's difficult for some women to give up the dream of the family and the home and the life they see all over television and in romance novels. It takes a mature mind to be strong enough to be with a woman you are attracted to and know that (gasp) other people are going to know you are with a woman, too. I've been around other femmes who insist that their woman have short hair, hair on their legs, under their arms and a damn forest in between their legs because they can't tolerate something "soft" next to them. But to be fair, there are many straight women who think this way, too. They want the hard man, the man who doesn't cry, the man who will take out the garbage, go to work, pay the bills, build the home while they (the woman) makes the home, raises the children, etc. Ain't nothing wrong with those gender roles for those who want them.

*deeper breath*

Can we just be honest with one another and ourselves? There are some of us who really do want a stud. No crying, hard bodied, swag, strap wearing, no bra wearing, no baby having could pass and often does pass for a man type of woman. That's fine. Live your life. But then, again, if you are coming onto a page bemoaning the fact that women think you want to be a man, or worse are a woman who wonders why studs want to be men, you may want to: 1) identify the characteristics that are masculine and 2) examine your own ideas and definitions for studs.

It's coming from somewhere.


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