Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Body Overboard.

I often have the television on in the background when I'm getting ready for the day, or even when I'm getting ready for the night. It's background noise that often becomes a distraction when speaking on the phone, finishing homework, working, um ... life.


Today as I was preparing for my day, I turned on the television and waited for one of my favorite movies to come on (A Simple Twist of Fate with Steve Martin.), I got entangled in a movie. Of course it was in the middle so I can't even pretend to know what is going on. But what caught my attention was this woman who killed her husband. Or wait, maybe he died of natural causes. Whatever. So then she buries him on a beach somewhere not in the United States (my detective skills at work I realized that it must have been in New Zealand somewhere...the accents, dahling.) So then this other guy comes along and discovers she's buried a dude on the beach and offers to find a more suitable burial place. They bury him in some person's front yard (cause that's always a good idea) and as he turns around she hits him over the head with a shovel. Then ties him up in a shed and locks the door. Then another guy comes along (I don't know where these guys keep coming from) and he offers to help her get rid of the guy in the shed. And they get on this boat (sail boat/ship of some kind) and throw this guy over the edge of the boat. By this time I am seriously covering my eyes because I'm thinking this new guy is toast.  I heard they made it back to shore and when I opened my eyes she was bathing him after chopping up some onions. Where did the knife go? She's gonna stab you a la Fatal Attraction in the tub, dude. Run!

Actually he makes it. (Gotta hurry this along -- my movie is on!)

Ok, so I got to thinking... Why do people never learn? Several guys stumbled along as this woman was burying someone. For them to think this would never have happened to them is silly.

Facebook is a gift. It allows you the ability to see how people treat their significant others -- be it family, friends, children, etc. If someone on facebook is being disrespectful, obnoxious, shifty, dishonest, shady, a womanizer... then chances are that person will treat YOU the exact same way. Be observant.

If someone is tossing a body over the side of a ship and enlists your help, there will probably be someone solicited to do the same to your body.

Just sayin'.

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