Saturday, July 5, 2014

One Day Closer

Eleven days goes by fast when you're with someone you love.

This is what happened.

I spent eleven days with Janelle in the middle of the woods, with my family, while having my period for a few of those days, with my hair in need of a retwist BADLY, and no makeup.  Most of the time I smelled of Cutters Deep Woods Off, I snored badly, had three major melt downs lasting probably five minutes a piece. We slept in a cabin for the first few nights on an extremely soft mattress, I almost fell down a ravine, and we used each other's toes as scratching posts. While I exhibited great eating habits, I think I ate my weight in bbq, made breakfast for her only once, and got into an argument over the proper cutting up of bacon. I passed gas in front of her, snapped at my mother in front of her, and forced her to watch two girly movies with me but left her alone to fish on the last night because I was having an emotional breakdown.

I can safely say that the honeymoon period of our relationship has come to a close. But then, we never were traditionalist when it came to the perfect honeymoon period.

That's part of the reason I love her so much.

Janelle has never expected anything more than "flawed human" when it comes to me. She's quick to give me hugs, space, or kisses on the head, cheek, or lips when I need them the most. She's also quick to remind me that I'm not alone in "this" and that as much as I like to think I'm the lone survivor when it comes to long distance relationships, she will have a hard time saying goodbye to my crazy ass tomorrow too.

I'm not going to spend much time talking about it because I was already emotional tonight. I'm going to take a shower and cuddle up next to her and remind myself that for several months before this vacation, speaking on the phone was heaven and texting was enough. It will be enough again.

Like she said the other day, "We're one day closer to being together."

Thanks for helping me believe in love again, Cupcake.  See you again. Soon.

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