Tuesday, July 8, 2014

You Ain't Gonna Hear it From Me

I have always been a talker.

There are posts that people put on their statuses about how facebook is entertainment for them and nothing they talk about is really anything to do with them and blah blah blah... I'm not one of those people. If I post something on my page, I've experienced it. If I make a status about jealousy, I'm feeling it. If I make a post about pancakes and bacon, I'm hungry for it. I use facebook as my own personal diary, much to my loved one's dismay. I have two facebook pages: one that is for family and close friends and one for internet friends and a few of my closest friends and I'm deliberate on what I share where and who I share what with.

But there's one thing you will never see on any of my facebook pages.

There's one thing I will never, ever share.


What is that you ask? I will never share my disagreements or heartaches regarding my current relationship -- or really -- ANY relationship I might be in.

As far as any of my readers and friends know, my life with Janelle is perfect. It's fairytale wonderful (it really is, by the way.) Things are moving along as they should. Hell -- we're even looking at real estate. My family and her family frequently get together and bbq and play spades together as far as anyone on here knows. :) I will only ever speak of the great things that are happening in my life in regards to my hunybunsugarpielovemuffincupcake.  You get the picture.

There isn't a reason why I would ever give anyone the pleasure of seeing my relationship falter or fail. I'm not so innocent and sweet or naive to realize that there are people in the world that literally get hard at the thought of strife in someone's life and I refuse to give anyone (other than the one I love) that much pleasure.

I don't get why people are so quick to hide who they are online in terms of status updates and the likes, but are posting every time their girlfriend or boyfriend f's up.  I don't understand why someone would give an emergency broadcast system alert on their relationship so that every thirsty and nosey ass can move on in and play captain ruin a home. Seriously -- explain that to me like I'm a five year old because I don't get it.

So -- consider this a tip from me to the universe. If you're waiting for some juicy shit on the relationship you're wasting your time because #1: Things really are going better than I could have ever imagined or written about and #2: I will never write about it if things aren't going well. The most you'll hear is how beautifully we made up after our two second disagreement we had on who was going to give who the first orgasm.  ;)

I'm just sayin'. <3 

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