Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Girlfriend Tag

Found this test on line and figured it would be something fun to do -- We originally did this test together, So I tried to incorporate Jay's answers as well. They will be included in the parenthesis and italicized. 
  1. Where and when did you guys meet?  I first met Jay in September/October of 2013 on the LLA page. I was playing the game "Guess My Age" when she submitted her photo. I replied to her message something like, "you're beautiful" and kept it moving. I think she said "thanks" but that was it. Then I saw her around on the page, and she kept me company by answering most of my questions or laughing at most of the questions, not sure which she did more of. And then finally on February 8, 2014, we started to talk and well... we've been talking every since. Basically. 
  2. When was your first date?  Our first date was on the 21st of March, 2014. Jay and her grandfather came to Southern California to visit relatives, and the Friday after she arrived, she came to the house to visit me (And your dog Jackson came to greet me at the door)
  3. Where was your first date? The first date was at my family's house... basically in front of my entire family. (aunt, uncle, mother, father, Jackson)  
  4. When was your first kiss? Who initiated it? She initiated the first kiss on my cheek. I will initiate the first kiss on the lips. (You sure about that? We'll see... )
  5. What was your first impression of each other? I didn't think she liked me at all. (I thought you were adorable and you amused me.)
  6. What's your favorite memory together? We don't have one yet. Ask me on July 14th. ;) 
  7. Who said "I love you" first? Me. I did. I did that. She says "ditto" most of the time. Or she'll say "Have I told you I love you lately?" and then I say, "No, you haven't." and then she says, "Oh. Okay. I'll have to tell you sometime." 
  8. What is your favorite thing about the other? Both personality wise and physically? I love that she always makes me laugh even when she's not trying to. She also never promises to do something that she won't/can't do. She's honest as hell. I will never ask her to tell me the truth if I know there's a possibility that my feelings might get hurt (for example: do these pants make my ass look flat?) Physically? She's beautiful. I mean, really. Duh. Those cheekbones, that smile, her dimples... <3 (I don't know -- you amuse me and I like your sense of humor. And the fact that you are sensitive, cuz I'm not. And that you're patient, cuz I'm not. And I like the fact that you see good in people, because I don't. And physically? I think you're cute. And pretty. And you do this little thing, when you're shy -- you bite your finger...)
  9. What's her favorite color? I originally thought blue. Then I thought gray (hey, she has a lot of gray in her house) and then I said green...(of all the colors in the world, you said GREEN!) but really it's purple and red.  (Pink - "not that I would wear pink, but I like a splash of pink and accessories..." < said in Kari Valley girl voice)
  10. What food does she hate? She doesn't like foods with weird textures like yogurt, tapioca pudding, avocados, mushrooms, boogers (raisins) (Chocolate. She likes strawberry. So if I'm eating Chocolate Chocolate Chip Haagen Daaz she'll say "eeew. I'm not eating that. I want strawberry...")
  11. Did you know right away that she was a lesbian? Yup. Right away. (Nope, I assumed she was because she was working the page...)
  12. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I do. No, really. I do.  (We're gonna go with that... *as she laughs hysterically)
  13. Do you consider yourself a "normal" couple? Pretty normal sometimes but I think we talk way more than other couples (mostly because of the distance but we also have really great communication and I'm obsessed with her so I like to talk to her every spare moment...) I also think we laugh more than "normal" couples. (What is normal? The couples I know that have been together a long time are like us. I think we're a healthy normal couple.)
  14. Do you do PDA? I will. (I'm working on it.)
  15. Are your parents supportive of the relationship? Yes. My parents love Jay to the point of lunacy, and my auntie and uncle pretty much consider her family already. It's adorable, although I like to complain about it a lot. Karen hasn't met me yet, but she respects the fact that U-haul is not a part of my vocabulary, likes the fact that I'm educated and have a good sense of independence. 
  16. What's one thing the other does that you hate? Jay hates loud noises/voices. However, she's always making loud noises of her own -- without warning or provocation. (she doesn't pay attention -- she can't multitask -- multitask my ass.)
  17. What is the next thing you are doing together that you are excited for? Vacation in six days! We are going to be spending 11 fun filled days together. Emphasis on fun. ;) (Vacation - to sit in my chair, with my woman next to me, while we get ate up by mosquitoes while drinking alcoholic beverages!) 
There you have it. The Girlfriend Tag. Feel free to copy the questions and answer them with your girlfriend or boyfriend.  

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