Sunday, June 1, 2014

A good, scary thing.

She embarrasses easily when I talk about how beautiful she is, which I find endearing.  I don't know the proper words to use in describing a boi's attractiveness. Handsome sounds like I'm pushing an agenda too far, and pretty is out of the question, so beautiful remains.

Besides, beautiful can be used to describe men, too.

This is what happened -- my version:

I was playing a game on Lesbian Love and Advice where I was an admin. And she submitted a picture.  The object of the game was to guess how old the person was. She looked about 25ish. I sent a message back to her saying something corny but honest like, "You are beautiful." To which she replied, "Thank you."


The End.

Except she hung around the page, and we talked the way that you talk to someone you're kind of interested in without sounding completely like a dork. And this went on for many, many days -- I mean months until finally she inboxed me a question/comment/rant and I replied. And there ya have it.

In a nut shell.

Today I watched a movie called Pleasantville. It's my favorite movie. (Janelle is saying I have a hundred thousand favorite movies in my ear as I type this right now. And she's right, of course. I do. But Pleasantville is in the top of that thousand favorite movie list). The movie is about a black and white town until people start experiencing things that make them "colored." Would it sound too sentimental right now to say that Janelle is my "color?" She's added all these vibrant tones and qualities to a life that, until her, seemed sepia-toned. There were occasional colorful spots here and there, but nothing quite as saturated until she came into my life.

Now that I've seen hues and possibilities, I'm not sure I can go back to what I had before. The experience has spoiled me. Made me want more! Now I want texture, and scents and tastes and everything that would make my world more than a sitcom with canned responses and timed laughter.

And no matter how scary that is, it's a good thing.

A good scary thing. 


  1. I like that you are basically defining the term "beautiful" by simply describing what your interactions with Jan elle mean to you and your life. Funny how that one word used to describe her initially eventually became a thread that both bound you to her and showed you a new definition of a word you thought you already knew the meaning of. Hurray for embracing the colorful starburst that is love, affection, desire and experience... and hurray for you and J. ♡

    1. hurray indeed! :) Thanks for reading AND commenting, love. <3

  2. I admire that i can relate. I too have a thousand fav movies i watch repetitively. Lol. Pleasantville was a favorite while i was a child. Interesting how u incorporate the feel of the movies passion for the new things in life. Thanks for sharing: ) and your right my boys are beautiful. . All people are beautiful: )

    1. Having seen pictures of your boys,I'll agree wholeheartedly: they are beautiful. And yes -- Pleasantville is deep! ;) Every time I watch it, I walk away with something new I've discovered about myself and the world in general. Thanks for visiting, hon.
