Thursday, August 21, 2014


It's not that I don't believe in Karma. It's that I don't believe in Karma the way that most people on social media do. Or at least most of the people I know on social media.

This is usually the conversation I hear:

Her: And that bitch cheated on me. I hate her. I gave her my all, my everything and what did she give me? Lies and more lies. I'm tired of crying. I'm going to go out right now and slash her tires. I'm going to key her car. I'm going to make her pay for the pain that I felt.

Her Friend: Girl. Don't even worry about it. Karma. Karma will bite her in the ass. 

So let me get this right: Karma is the little thing that bites you in the ass when you do bad shit to other people. So tell me, please, in the above example, who did "Her" piss off in a former or current life to get the cheating b. that cheated on her? Because that's how it works, isn't it? Karma keeps track of all the bad things you do and then when you're least expecting it, it comes in and punishes you.

Another conversation that took place in a letter I received once on LLA and the response from more than half of the people who responded:

Dear LLA: I cheated on my girl. Yeah, I know it was wrong but things were going bad for a long time. So me and new girl were going strong when all of a sudden -- I just started to get a feeling. I knew she was doing something so I looked in her computer and saw the emails between her and her "bae." Apparently they love each other and want to be together and she was saying she made a terrible mistake and it was her she wanted. What do I do. My heart is broken. Signed: Lost

Dear Lost: Karma sucks, huh? 
Before I get too far ahead of myself, here's a definition of Karma -- simplified. Karma is defined as the summary of what you do in this life (or a previous life) having an affect on a future existence. Most of the people yelling the loudest about Karma don't even believe in another life outside of the one they are currently living, much less a future existence -- so how does that work exactly?

People tend to just ignore that part of Karma and think instead it means in this life -- here and now. What you do tomorrow will affect negatively or positively what you do today. You're a jerk today? Then someone is going to be a jerk to you tomorrow. You cheat on someone this weekend and you'll see. In a month, someone will cheat on you. You give to charity today? You will receive an abundance of good things later, too.

Now, I am not saying that Karma doesn't exist in some way, but I think it's been severely bastardized on social media. It's as if no one knows what to say so they just say "Karma" much like someone forks over the "Get Out Of Jail Free" card when they find themselves behind bars during a competitive game of Monopoly. "I don't know quite how to help you in this predicament, but Karma. Yeah. That's it. Karma is what screwed you. That bad Karma. Gotta watch out for her." *smh*

This might work well with adults who do crappy things. But what about children with diseases? What about babies that are born to only die shortly after due to some genetic disease or illness? What about children who are abused by teachers, parents, friends, family members, church people? What about good, upright, never-do-wrong citizens that just happen to wake up in the morning and take the wrong plane, train, or bus? Or human beings that just happen to be born on the wrong continent in the wrong century in the wrong lifetime? What did they do wrong to bring Karma on their asses? I'll wait...

Sometimes bad shit just happens and there isn't anything we can do about it. There are things that can't be explained. And sometimes when people do "bad" stuff, Karma just appears as themselves, little reminders. Sometimes "Karma" appears in bad choices of partners because you feel you don't deserve a good one. Or appears as a traffic ticket because you didn't take time in the morning for yourself, got in your car, and forgot your wallet on the dresser. Sometimes we subconsciously give ourselves "time outs" when we don't consciously know to take them. Sometimes we punish ourselves because it's too hard to move forward and to forgive ourselves. Yeah -- sometimes Karma is you. And sometimes people who do really bad shit, never see a lick of Karma ever. And if they do, it's so miniscule they barely feel it kick them in the shins. There are tons of evil people in the world that never "get theirs." 

That person that hurt you was a jerk. You didn't deserve to be mistreated. But instead of figuring out your revenge, you should heal yourself so that the anger and resentment you feel inside doesn't destroy you. That would be pretty crazy, huh?

I believe in good vibes and energy. We attract good things and sometimes we attract bad things. Sometimes the junk that we have inside of us signals people who survive off of that junk. They smell you coming a mile away -- like attracts like, sometimes. If you are a cheater then I believe it's possible that you will attract people who are also cheaters. If you don't believe in your own self worth then I believe people who prey on people who have low self worth will have an easier time finding and hurting you than let's say, someone with a higher self worth. Sometimes life just isn't fair and bad things happen to really great and really good people.

Sometimes victims find it easier to blame themselves and find people in the world to continue treating them in the way they (the victim) feels they deserve than to see that sometimes life just doesn't make a lick of sense and sometimes we don't get what we deserve and sometimes things don't get better for a long time (and sometimes not at all...)

But that takes too long to explain. So... Karma. Yeah, Karma. Karma will fix it.

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