Monday, August 11, 2014

If You Pray Really Hard...

This week I watched "The L Word -- Mississippi." SO much to talk about. If I could make everyone watch that show (on Showtime) I would. It's ... enlightening. And painfully so.

One of the stories featured this woman who was a Lesbian. Yeah. I said was.

She was what we old timers would call "butch" -- not a drop of "boi" in her. Short, short hair, no earrings, most comfortable in "men's" clothing, seemingly more dominant. A top. She went to church and became "saved." She was healed of her homosexuality. This means that someone actually brought her to church, and then encouraged her to step forward when they asked if anyone had any "demons" they needed exorcised. And some pastor who probably got his license on line for $35, put his hands on her forehead and proclaimed her "saved" from the homosexual demon.

Fine. Do what makes you happy, love.

Friends from the church escorted her home and proceeded to make her over. Gave her girl clothes, put earrings in her ears, prayed for a mate for her -- a nice man because "that's the type of person she deserves."

This woman had a son. And this son is gay. And wouldn't you know this woman brought her son to the church to be saved -- that is -- CURED of his homosexuality. And after her son refused, asking his mother to love him as he was, she said to the camera that she would rather die than to go back to the gay lifestyle. She would rather die. She would take herself out.

What. The. Frick?

Being gay is so bad that some type of conversion is necessary. And if that doesn't work, then only death can prevent the evilness that is seeping through your pores. Is that what the bible says?

If any church ever said this to me, I would be out of there. This is not church. What type of church could make you feel that anything you are and anything you do is so damned awful that if God can't cure it only death is the cure. What church would ever pray over someone and think that could change their sexuality or that a wardrobe change and tacky earrings could make you suddenly love penis.

If that works for you, then you should be happy. You should be jumping around and shopping at Macy's, polishing your nails and wearing extensions because that makes you excited. When you lay down and a man puts his penis inside of you, you should feel like you've "come home" and be thankful for having found your way. You should be telling others of your discovery OPEN to the possibility that this might not be their path and they will be just as loved and just as "saved" as you are. You most definitely shouldn't be sobbing about taking yourself out if you go back to who you were before. And you definitely shouldn't be telling your own flesh and blood that there is something wrong with him because he doesn't believe as you do.

I'm so disgusted that any church would do such a thing to their parishioners. So disgusted.

When I was eight years old, a friend told me that if I prayed hard enough God would make me white. Her suggesting I needed to pray was enough for me to believe that my being black was wrong. So I prayed. In the morning... well... you know. So I went around feeling ashamed that this somehow meant I hadn't prayed hard enough.  My being black was a sign of my sinfulness and not being faithful enough.

This is about as ridiculous as someone's sexuality being a sign of sinfulness. And the likelihood of that being changed by prayer just as impossible.

But what do I know?  If you pray realllllllllly hard...

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